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📝 ng-surveys



Table of Contents

⬆️ Getting started

First install through npm:

npm install --save ng-surveys

Next install peer dependencies

  npm install --save @angular/cdk @ckeditor/ckeditor5-angular @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic bootstrap ngx-bootstrap jquery @fortawesome/fontawesome-free 

Import the ng-survey module into your apps module:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { NgSurveysModule } from 'ng-surveys';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

Add Bootstrap and Font Awesome to your angular.json to the styles and scripts array under build target


⬆️ NgBuilderViewerComponent

What is it? - Where your users build a survey.




An object with 6 optional properties:

  1. importSurvey
  • Object with callback property to import a new survey.
  • Callback should return type of NgSurveyState or Observable.
  1. surveyButtons
  • Array of objects used to specify a custom survey buttons.
  • Object has 4 properties: title, icon, text, and callback.
  • Callback has one parameter of NgSurveyState type.
  1. importPage
  • Object with callback property to import a new page.
  • Callback should return type of IPageAndElementAndOptionAnswers or Observable.
  1. pageButtons
  • Array of objects used to specify a custom survey buttons.
  • Object has 4 properties: title, icon, text, and callback.
  • Callback has one parameter of IPageAndElementAndOptionAnswers type.
  1. importElement
  • Object with callback property to import a new element.
  • Callback should return type of IElementAndOptionAnswers or Observable.
  1. elementButtons
  • Array of objects used to specify a custom survey buttons.
  • Object has 4 properties: title, icon, text, and callback.
  • Callback has one parameter of IElementAndOptionAnswers type.

Options Example

export class BuilderViewerContainerComponent implements OnInit {
  options: IBuilderOptions;

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.options = {
      importSurvey: {
        callback: this.importSurvey.bind(this),
      surveyButtons: [{
        title: 'Save Survey to DB',
        icon: 'fas fa-save',
        text: 'Save',
        callback: this.saveSurvey,
      importElement: {
        callback: this.importElement.bind(this),
      elementButtons: [{
        title: 'Save Element to DB',
        icon: 'fas fa-save',
        text: 'Save',
        callback: this.saveElement,

  importSurvey(): Observable<NgSurveyState> {
    // Mocking get request
    return this.getSurvey();

  importElement(): Observable<IElementAndOptionAnswers> {
    // Mocking get request
    return this.getElement();

  getSurvey(): Observable<NgSurveyState> {
    return this.http.get('assets/survey-data.json').pipe(map((res: NgSurveyState) => {
      return {
        survey: res.survey,
        pages: deserializeUtils.deserializePages(res.pages),
        elements: deserializeUtils.deserializeElements(res.elements),
        optionAnswers: deserializeUtils.deserializeOptionAnswersMaps(res.optionAnswers),
        builderOptions: new BuilderOptionsModel(),

  getElement(): Observable<IElementAndOptionAnswers> {
    return this.http.get('assets/element-data.json').pipe(map((res: IElementAndOptionAnswers) => {
      return {
        element: res.element,
        optionAnswers: deserializeUtils.deserializeOptionAnswersMap(res.optionAnswers),

  saveSurvey(ngSurveyState: NgSurveyState): void {
    // Add post request to save survey data to the DB
    console.log('ngSurveyState: ', ngSurveyState);

  saveElement(element: IElementAndOptionAnswers): void {
    // Add post request to save survey data to the DB
    console.log('element: ', element);


⬆️ NgModelViewerComponent

What is it? - Where users can view the survey model.



⬆️ NgSurveyViewerComponent

What is it? - Where users can interact with the built survey.



⬆️ NgSurveysService

What is it? - A service that provides methods to retrieve the survey state. Methods listen to the latest state changes in the stream and returns changes that occur to a specific state.


  • Listen to the latest state changes in the stream.
  • @returns: Observable<NgSurveyState>


  • Listen to the latest survey state changes in the stream.
  • @returns: Observable<INgSurvey>


  • Listen to the latest pages state changes in the stream.
  • @returns: Observable<IPageMap>


  • Listen to the latest element state changes in the stream.
  • @returns: Observable<IElementsMaps>


  • Listen to the latest element state changes of a page in the stream.
  • @param: pageId to retrieve elements of a specific page
  • @returns: Observable<IElementsMap>


  • Listen to the latest option answers state changes in the stream.
  • @returns: Observable<IOptionAnswersMaps>


  • Listen to the latest option answers state changes of an element in the stream.
  • @param: elementId to retrieve option answers of a specific element
  • @returns: Observable<IOptionAnswersMap>

NgSurveysService Example

import {NgSurveysService, NgSurveyState, IPageMap} from 'ng-surveys';

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  ngSurveyState: NgSurveyState;
  pages: IPageMap;
    private ngSurveys$: NgSurveysService,
  ) {}
  ngOnInit() {
    this.ngSurveys$.getNgSurveyState().subscribe(res => {
      this.ngSurveyState = res;
    this.ngSurveys$.getPagesChanges().subscribe(pagesRes => {
      this.pages = pagesRes;

⬆️ Development

  • Clone repo
  • Install dependencies:
npm install

Building the Library

  • Before we can use ng-surveys library we need to build it:
ng build ng-surveys
  • With Angular CLI v6.2 we can use the —watch flag so that every time a file changes Angular CLI performs a partial build that emits the amended files:
ng build ng-surveys --watch
  • Run the application project (demo app to test our library):
ng serve
  • Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

⬆️ Contributing

Anyone is welcome to contribute, however, if you decide to get involved, please take a moment to review the guidelines: